At the beginning of the year I had the opportunity to photograph the son and daughter of one of my very good friends. I have known her since junior high and I have twins myself so it was especially mind blowing for me to be photographing her twins. I think I kept saying really annoying things like, "Isn't it so weird that we both have twins?" or "Can you believe that the person who was once your thirteen year old friend is now holding your baby??" Crazy. I get like that anytime I photograph any of the children of my elementary, junior high or high school friends. Maybe because I can't believe I am as old as I am...that we are the moms now. Mostly, I can't believe how often I get to be a part of such a special time for so many of the girls I grew up with. The first week of their child's life...I get to capture that. Such a big responsibility and such a joy to have a job I love so much.

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